The video about the “7 principles for building better cities” say that the sprawl is the main problem for the cities because cause difficult in the society. I agree with the video because Peter talking about the transit and he said that the bike is the most efficient means of transportation, and in my opinion this kind of transportation is the best because not produce traffic, it is good for the environment and it is good for the health of the people.
I feel Santiago has a lot of potential to become a great city to live, because in Santiago there are many places you can go, but the distances of this places are longs, the connection is bad and today the people who administrate the important things of the city do not do anything for the environment. I think that the streets and transportation in general are designed to the private transport and not to bicycles and public transport. In my opinion this really needs to change.


  1. I agree with Peter too, i think that biking and walking are the best means of transportation. less cars more bikes!


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