
Mostrando las entradas de 2018
Hi! Today I am going to talk about the quiz of national geographic. I believe that I don’t know so much about the topic, because the result of my quiz weren’t good. Because mi results in the quiz were 60% of good answers. The first question that I had trouble answering. it Was the answer about the type of supermarket bag more ecofriendly. I feel that the question is very simple but never I think about this. The possible answers in the question were plastic, paper, none of above or either is fine. I choose the paper because I think the paper is more ecofriendly that plastic, but the correct answer is none of above. This subject is more important for me, but in the society wasn’t present and more people think that the problems of the environment isn’t true. All day the problems of the environment are more important in the word, but not all the countries they take over of the problem. A regret of I don’t know saving the planet from the global warming, all days I try do


English Language Challenges

Although, it’s a subject that interests me, it has always been very difficult for me to learn the English language; I remember that my first bad grades were in this subject. That is why I have always understood that I should continue to learn English at university, in order to try to level out what I always have to learn. In the university I was in the four levels of English and I liked the dynamics in the classes, being able to write and speak all the classes helped me a lot to have more confidence when communicating and helped me to improve my skills in different areas. . In addition, I think it is very fun to be able to write and express ideas from different topics in another language; it's a very interesting challenge. I must improve all areas of English, my language, grammar, fluency, vocabulary, among others. And I plan to improve traveling to places where they communicate with this language and taking courses to help me improve in areas that are still difficult for me.

My personal opinions

What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home? I think that besides that some exotic pets are very nice and I really would like to have one, I think that is bad and we shouldn’t have exotic pets, because they should live not in a house or in an apartment, because these aren’t their natural environments, they should be free. But, as you know, some animals are bought and caged by people who do not understand the requirements of an animal that is not domestic. What is your opinion about cloning? Although it is a complicated topic, I do not agree with cloning. It is very dangerous for the being to be create with cloning, because nobody knows what characteristics it gets, since there are no exact results in these subjects. It can leave with psychological, physical and social damages, which will affect it. In addition, nobody knows for how long because you cannot get the concrete result of your lifetime. What is your opinion about Immigration? Thinking tha

My year

Hi! Today I’m going to talk about my year. So far I have had a good year because I did many new things.   I went to live alone with my sister in an apartment, I traveled alone to south of Chile, I went to my first university mobilization, two cousins ​​were born, etc. These experiences have made me mature and grow as a person, the most complicated things for me has been to learn to be independent and live alone with my sister, but I feel that it is my great achievement for this year because I feel we have done very well. The best thing that happened to me this year was the birth of my cousins, even though they live in the south, I see them a lot for FaceTime and as soon as I finish my classes I will go and see them. Another good thing that happened to me this year was known Lana del Rey in the lollapalooza, because I had a great time with my friends and I always wanted to meet her. Also, this year I finished a relationship of many years, I had a bad time but I think it did me

Video 2

After finishing my architecture studies at the University of Chile, I would like to continue studying, that is why I have thought about the idea of ​​specializing in some area related to public and social work. I would like to continue studying because I find that the degree gives a very comprehensive and a little basic education in some aspects. Also, after leaving this career I will have the time it takes to continue my studies. I would like to continue in the public and social area because I think it is very interesting, I love the challenges that this topic proposes, besides being able to make a great contribution to people who really need it. But in Chile there is still no great progress on this issue, so I thought it is necessary to continue these studies in other English-speaking countries, where in addition to specializing in the social area can learn English. I would like to study in another university institution in person, because generally better results are obtained in l
Hi, today I’m going to talk about the Kind of job that I would like to have in the future. I think that in the future I ‘m going to work in the public area, I like to work with people and make changes in the country. Public projects are very important in a society, because it helps people.  I imagine my job in an office with other people, talking about the important project that will help people such as public spaces for all people, social housing, project to the immigrants,  neighborhood recovery and educational project. Also, I imagine visiting different places with my partner to learn about the different realities and the different solutions of the problems in the world. I would like to travel a lot in my job! The place I would like to work isn’t very important for me, but I prefer to work outdoor with good air, light and a nice view.  I feel the salary is not relevant in my future, because I don’t want to be a money machine, I study to contribute in the world and n


The video about the “7 principles for building better cities” say that the sprawl is the main problem for the cities because cause difficult in the society. I agree with the video because Peter talking about the transit and he said that the bike is the most efficient means of transportation, and in my opinion this kind of transportation is the best because not produce traffic, it is good for the environment and it is good for the health of the people. I feel Santiago has a lot of potential to become a great city to live, because in Santiago there are many places you can go, but the distances of this places are longs, the connection is bad and today the people who administrate the important things of the city do not do anything for the environment. I think that the streets and transportation in general are designed to the private transport and not to bicycles and public transport. In my opinion this really needs to change.
Hi! I study architecture in the Universidad de Chile and I chose to study this career because since I was a child I like to draw and take pictures. After the landscapes, building and urban art interested me. One day in the school I looked into about this career and  the subject of this career  fascinated me, because math, arts, geometry and physic were my favorites subjects of school.   This career attracted me because it is very integral and I like that I can work on many thinks in my life. I chose to study in the Universidad de Chile because the people who study in this university told me about its characteristic, Like the study climate in the different career and the diversity of people. Also the prestige of the Universidad de Chile is very important for my future, because in Chile there are many architects. Finally, I wanted live in the center of Santiago with my sister and the faculty of architecture is located in this commune near to the law faculty.
Today, I will talk about a concert than at I was enjoy, a unique experience for me, because I was stay with my friends of the University and with my best friends of my school. The name of this event is ¨Lollapalooza ¨and was celebrated in the O Higgins park, in March of this year, in my city, Santiago of Chile. Lollapalooza is a Musical Festival and was celebrate all over the world. In Chile, this festival lasted 3 days, but I went only the Sunday. In the event I saw my favorite singer, Lana del Rey.   She’s an American singer and she was born in New York City on June 21, 1985. I love her music because the song is relaxing and she is many beautiful.   The concert is very entertaining, the atmosphere was very secure and in the place there were people of different ages. I recommended that you go to the festival!
Iceland Since I was Little I dreamed of going to Iceland. Iceland is a country and it´s located in the extreme northwest of Europe. I like this country because it has a wonderful landscape that we can cover and a very special food, for example the Fermented Shark and the mashed fish stew. In my opinion, it has a culture very different from ours, because Icelandic culture has its roots in North Germanic traditions, and the Icelanders are proud of their Viking heritage and Icelandic language and take great care to preserve their tradition. In addition, one of the main characteristics of the country are the  attractives beaches where you can see how people fish, and the other characteristic of the country is that it has a clean and pure environment, that's why it has a beautiful and incredible nature. I recommend visit this country because is less expensive and it has a low taxes compared to other countries.